Height Converter | Convert Feet to cm and cm to Feet

Use our free Height Converter to easily convert between feet/inches and centimeters. Accurate and quick height conversions for fitness and health calculations.

About Height Conversion

Height conversion is essential for understanding measurements across different systems. The two most common units for measuring height are centimeters (metric system) and feet/inches (imperial system). Our calculator provides quick and accurate conversions between these units.

Conversion Formulas

  • Centimeters to Feet: 1 cm = 0.0328084 ft
  • Feet to Centimeters: 1 ft = 30.48 cm
  • Inches to Centimeters: 1 in = 2.54 cm

Why Convert Height?

Height conversion is useful in various scenarios:

  • Understanding international height measurements
  • Filling out forms or applications with different unit requirements
  • Comparing heights across different measurement systems
  • Use in fitness and health calculations (e.g., BMI)

Common Height Conversions

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert centimeters to feet and inches?

To convert centimeters to feet and inches, divide the number of centimeters by 2.54 to get the total inches. Then divide the total inches by 12 to get the number of feet (rounded down), and the remainder will be the additional inches.

How accurate is this height converter?

Our height converter is highly accurate, providing conversions up to two decimal places for centimeters and to the nearest quarter inch for feet and inches.

Why would I need to convert my height?

Height conversion is useful for understanding international measurements, filling out forms with different unit requirements, comparing heights across systems, and for use in various fitness and health calculations.

What is the formula for converting feet to centimeters?

To convert feet to centimeters, multiply the number of feet by 30.48. For example, 5 feet = 5 * 30.48 = 152.4 cm.